News Articles

When NOT to pay for SEO
  • Sep 05 2023
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  • 567 recent views

When NOT to pay for SEO

The most obvious situation when NOT to utilise SEO is when the cost of SEO exceeds the value you would receive in return.

When NOT to pay for SEO

SEO Competitor Analysis
  • Aug 24 2022
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  • 2382 recent views

SEO Competitor Analysis

If an SEO company approaches you, be wary. Firstly if they are so good at SEO why are they contacting you via phone or email or a paid ad?

SEO Competitor Analysis

Evolving eCommerce with SEO
  • Aug 12 2022
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  • 6421 recent views

Evolving eCommerce with SEO

Latest eCommerce evolution - integrating SEO with new ideas and making them work.

Evolving eCommerce with SEO

Systems vs Goals
  • Jul 11 2022
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  • 1387 recent views

Systems vs Goals

Modern thinking is often geared around achieving goals. Visualising your endpoint. However the problem with this type of strategy is you are inherently failing until you have reached that stated goal.

Systems vs Goals

Twitter for SEO
  • May 03 2022
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  • 2790 recent views

Twitter for SEO

How to Productively Use Twitter for SEO of websites in 2024. Twitter has provided a platform for a new wave of social and environmental activism, and provides an opportunity for brands to do purpose-driven advertising. This can be harnessed for SEO.

Twitter for SEO

SEO Friendly Shopping Carts
  • Jan 25 2022
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  • 10347 recent views

SEO Friendly Shopping Carts

With a Shopping Cart there needs to be a balance between functionality and efficiency. Organic search engine results will be an important source of sales.

SEO Friendly Shopping Carts

The Rising Cost of SEO
  • Sep 02 2021
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  • 2567 recent views

The Rising Cost of SEO

If you are interested in how much you should pay for SEO it may be useful to analyse SEO companies, their structure and their techniques. Perhaps the techniques they use to market to you are interesting as well.

The Rising Cost of SEO

Off-page SEO
  • Apr 21 2021
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  • 1657 recent views

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is any SEO that occurs outside of that specific page. To Google it is informing what others outside of your site think of your site or page.

Off-page SEO

UI design for SEO
  • Apr 08 2021
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  • 2251 recent views

UI design for SEO

User Interface Design (UI) affects the look of a site, the structure, the speed and the retention and action of visitors.

UI design for SEO

ACCC and News Corp vs Google and Facebook
  • Feb 22 2021
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  • 30525 recent views

ACCC and News Corp vs Google and Facebook

News media bargaining code - results seem to be just money moving from Google and Facebook to News Corp and Channel Nine. No addressing the power imbalance. No requirements for News organisations to actually spend the money on journalists. No change to Google search results or Facebook news feeds.

ACCC and News Corp vs Google and Facebook

Artificial Intelligence by Google
  • Nov 05 2020
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  • 1922 recent views

Artificial Intelligence by Google

Artificial intelligence (AI) is enhancing our lives and augmenting our abilities.

Artificial Intelligence by Google

Web Video Marketing
  • Jun 01 2020
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  • 2008 recent views

Web Video Marketing

The short Instructional Video is more tolerant of unpredictable things that occur while recording and it is a chance for the Presenter to reveal their unique personality, energy, humour, knowledge and enthusiasm for their subject to their viewers.

Web Video Marketing

Online Strategies for COVID-19
  • Mar 31 2020
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  • 1841 recent views

Online Strategies for COVID-19

Working from home is very easy to adjust to. You may find you actually do more work. It is not for everyone or every business. A good SEO strategy helps.

Online Strategies for COVID-19

Writing for SEO
  • Jan 08 2020
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  • 2088 recent views

Writing for SEO

We have found Google to be very responsive to well written content. The use of artificial intelligence to determine the quality of writing has been a bonus for SEO companies who favour writing quality.

Writing for SEO

Issues with Wordpress
  • Dec 13 2019
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  • 2231 recent views

Issues with Wordpress

There are pros and cons in any system. As an SEO I have even had success with basic builder systems that come with cheap hosting accounts. Google allows a massive degree of tolerance. The take home from this is, you are going to need an experienced web developer no matter what system you use.

Issues with Wordpress

Corporate Governance and Embracing the Web
  • Dec 04 2019
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  • 1732 recent views

Corporate Governance and Embracing the Web

A small business may simply have a website, and handle enquiries on a case by case basis. These enquiries may come via a phone call or a simple form on the website. How well your website and SEO is integrated into your business can severely affect your growth opportunities.

Corporate Governance and Embracing the Web

SEO Tools for Leverage
  • Oct 09 2019
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  • 2024 recent views

SEO Tools for Leverage

Discovery is very important. Say I have 20+ Gold Coast SEO clients and 17 websites I own myself, that is roughly 40 sites to monitor and work on. Multiply that by the number of pages and social media accounts for each site and we have a serious logistics issue.

SEO Tools for Leverage

Anatomy of a local Google Search
  • Oct 09 2018
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  • 2674 recent views

Anatomy of a local Google Search

Anatomy of a Google Search - comparing search results on a local search term. Understanding how your site can benefit from a local listing via Google My Business.

Anatomy of a local Google Search

Why a Multi-Skilled SEO offers better value
  • May 28 2018
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  • 4816 recent views

Why a Multi-Skilled SEO offers better value

Sometimes simple things make a dramatic improvement to a website. Google tries to return the best matching sites for a particular query. A Multi-Skilled SEO can offer excellent value.

Why a Multi-Skilled SEO offers better value

Website speed test claims put to the test
  • Sep 05 2017
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  • 2698 recent views

Website speed test claims put to the test

An article in a local paper came with the headline 'Websites warned to get up to speed' - but the authors website failed many fundamental tests.

Website speed test claims put to the test

My Site Dropped out of Google
  • May 10 2017
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  • 3062 recent views

My Site Dropped out of Google

Has your site dropped out of Google or sits there like a stone?

My Site Dropped out of Google

Negative SEO
  • Dec 02 2013
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  • 2818 recent views

Negative SEO

Negative SEO is where there is a systematic attempt to discredit a site in Google or other search engine. There is a process in dealing with fake bad reviews.

Negative SEO

Gold Coast Tradesmen Directory
  • Aug 03 2013
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  • 4248 recent views

Gold Coast Tradesmen Directory

Check our GC trades directory when you have an emergency

Gold Coast Tradesmen Directory

Site Speed is important for Google
  • Apr 12 2010
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  • 3334 recent views

Site Speed is important for Google

Nobody likes a slow website. Have you ever noticed how some sites load much faster than others with seemingly the same type of page?

Site Speed is important for Google

A Gold Coast SEO and Web Developer