News Articles

When NOT to pay for SEO
  • Sep 05 2023
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  • 568 recent views

When NOT to pay for SEO

The most obvious situation when NOT to utilise SEO is when the cost of SEO exceeds the value you would receive in return.

When NOT to pay for SEO

Managing your domains a quick guide
  • Mar 20 2023
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  • 4419 recent views

Managing your domains a quick guide

I recommend using for and .au domains and for .com domains. These companies allow you to call them and discuss problems.

Managing your domains a quick guide

Tapping into the Southeast Asian Market
  • Dec 07 2022
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  • 1211 recent views

Tapping into the Southeast Asian Market

Southeast Asian audiences have made their way to most social media platforms. According to January 2022 statistics, there are approximately 76.01 million users from the Philippines and 204.7 million users from Indonesia

Tapping into the Southeast Asian Market

SEO Friendly Shopping Carts
  • Jan 25 2022
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  • 10349 recent views

SEO Friendly Shopping Carts

With a Shopping Cart there needs to be a balance between functionality and efficiency. Organic search engine results will be an important source of sales.

SEO Friendly Shopping Carts

Technology is brutal
  • Sep 20 2021
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  • 1633 recent views

Technology is brutal

Forced ranking is one of many worker complaints that have generated recent scrutiny of workplace practices in large tech companies in China.

Technology is brutal

The Privacy Paradox and Obfuscation
  • Jun 09 2021
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  • 1861 recent views

The Privacy Paradox and Obfuscation

The clear line between private and public information collection and sharing is becoming quite clouded.

The Privacy Paradox and Obfuscation

How to collaborate successfully
  • Mar 19 2021
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  • 2170 recent views

How to collaborate successfully

Collaboration can be defined as working together with one or more people to complete a project or task; or to increase knowledge and skills; or to develop ideas; or to establish protocols and processes; or to improve or refine current products and services; or to find new markets; ...

How to collaborate successfully

Defining Success
  • Feb 26 2021
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  • 1297 recent views

Defining Success

The popular notion that success can be defined as attaining wealth, prosperity and/or fame has been successfully debunked by recent studies. And likewise, the idea that success brings happiness, has also been discredited.

Defining Success

ACCC and News Corp vs Google and Facebook
  • Feb 22 2021
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  • 30526 recent views

ACCC and News Corp vs Google and Facebook

News media bargaining code - results seem to be just money moving from Google and Facebook to News Corp and Channel Nine. No addressing the power imbalance. No requirements for News organisations to actually spend the money on journalists. No change to Google search results or Facebook news feeds.

ACCC and News Corp vs Google and Facebook

Concepts to master for your website
  • Jan 04 2021
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  • 3247 recent views

Concepts to master for your website

We have created a list of stuff to know for your website, making no assumptions about your level of IT skills.

Concepts to master for your website

What Communication Style Do You Use?
  • Aug 12 2019
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  • 4643 recent views

What Communication Style Do You Use?

DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientious.

What Communication Style Do You Use?

Booklets for Telling your story
  • Aug 07 2019
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  • 1625 recent views

Booklets for Telling your story

Consider using a booklet to tell your story, apply for that job or make an impression.

Booklets for Telling your story

Business for Sale - Gold Coast
  • Jul 15 2019
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  • 1838 recent views

Business for Sale - Gold Coast

Selling a business can be a daunting and exhausting experience. Most business owners do not have the time or energy required to prepare a business for sale and then find the ideal buyer willing to pay the appropriate price.

Business for Sale - Gold Coast

PDF - Perfect Document Format
  • Feb 14 2019
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  • 2541 recent views

PDF - Perfect Document Format

PDF stands for Portable Document Format and was created by Adobe in the early 1990's and released in 1993. The PDF Reference became ISO 32000, an International Standard that allows any company to create software that creates PDF documents.

PDF - Perfect Document Format

A Gold Coast SEO and Web Developer